Haven’t I Done Enough – Gabbie Carter


Seth (Alex Jett) doesn’t have a great relationship with his step-sister, Ellie (Gabbie Carter), to say the least, so when he gets yet another video call from her, he isn’t thrilled. He knows by now that whenever she interacts with him at all, it’s only because she wants to make his life miserable… and he’s sure today won’t be an exception. As soon as Ellie appears on camera, all smug while showing off her midriff, Seth is… uncomfortable. When he calls his sister out on showing off her bare skin, though, she clearly enjoys watching him squirm. Instead of messing around, Seth tells her to get it over with and tell him what she wants already. You see, Ellie has a hold on him… Ever since she found out a secret of his, because of his no-good-for-nothing dad blabbing to his new wife, Ellie’s made his life a living hell…

Actors: Gabbie Carter