Milking My Brother – Xev Bellringer


That stupid video game can wait, your sister is more important. I have something to tell you… alone. Your friend can’t stay for the conversation, this is totally family related and sensitive. Oh fine, I don’t have time to argue! You know how I’ve been fainting randomly for the past year? I went to see the doctor about it today. He said my body isn’t producing some chemical that it needs. There’s only one other source I can get this compound: it’s in… semen. But it won’t work with just any load. I… I need to swallow the cum of a relative. And it has to be immediate family. I know this is crazy, but it’s the only way! All you have to do is take your cock out… three times a day and let me milk you. Please do this, for your sister! Here, I have an idea. Just… watch me suck your friend dry and you’ll change your mind about giving me your seed. Go ahead, start stroking while he’s in my mouth, it’ll be easier to blow when the time comes. Oh wow… I never thought I’d see my own brother’s hard cock. It looks so… mmm. He’s cumming mmmph! What, you’re already about to blow?? Yes, yes cum in your sister’s mouth! My God, that’s a lot of cum… this is perfect. We’re not done though, I need to drain you two more times. I could um… help you this time you know. There’s no reason this can’t be enjoyable for… both of us. Especially if I’m going to be milking my brother multiple times a day… every day… for who knows how long.

Actors: Xev Bellringer