Bully Spit Roasts Mom – Harley Sin


Mom is watching TV when you come in with a new friend. Your mom notices you seem nervous, and asks you to introduce her. This new friend of yours calls her a slut. She’s shocked, and starts questioning you. Who talks to someones mom like that? Then she realizes who this boy is. It’s your bully.

Well she’s had enough. This bully thinks he can walk into her home and bully her too? No way she’s having any of that. She asks you to wait outside while she talks to your bully in private. She tells you not to worry, she’s got everything under control.

You sneak up to the open door of her bedroom where you hear talking. They seem to be arguing. It sounds like your mom is in trouble but you’re not sure what to do. She finally comes out, but she’s practically naked. She’s covering herself up, trying to hide her half naked body from you. She says this was the only way he would agree to stop. That he wants you to come in to finalize the agreement she’s made.
She’s not sure what he wants, but its not looking good…

Actors: Harley Sin