I Like It 2 – Meana Wolf


You thought raising your son would prepare you for being a father to your new stepdaughter. But that wasn’t true at all. With him it had always been so easy to be the adult, to teach him about the world and dole out discipline when he needed it. With her it felt like you were putty in her hands. It was throwing you off your usual hard ass demeanour. You weren’t prepared at all for her body. The way her tits and ass demanded your eye was unsettling as it was exciting. Even though you were happily newly married to her mother, you couldn’t stop thinking about this young woman living under your roof and how you must now avoid jerking off to the thought of her perfect youthful ass sitting on your knee. But it is about to become more than apparent that she knows exactly how weak you really are as she climbs up on top of you and whispers, “I wan’t a bigger allowance… Daddy”.

Actors: Meana Wolf