Mommy Needs Me – Meana Wolf


You’ve been trying for so long to push down your feelings for your mother. You know it’s wrong… but ever since your dad left, you’ve felt the need to look after her… to protect her. To be the man that she needed you to be. But the guilt and shame kept you from ever telling her. You knew she could sense it…the tension between the two of you . And it grew as you got older. So once it came time to apply to university…you decided the only thing for you to do was to get as far away as possible. Maybe with some distance between you two… the feelings would go away. Months went by…and no responses came. You started to suspect your mom was hiding your mail from you… so you confront her. She denies it at first… but she’s a terrible liar… it’s really kind of adorable. She shows you the small stack of letters. “This is all just happening so fast…why did you apply to all these schools so far away?” You don’t know what to say. You don’t know how to tell her that if you stay any longer… you’re going to do something you regret. But then she puts her hand on your knee…and you can feel it in her touch. She needs you. And her need made your cock instantly hard. “I know we never talk about the feelings that we both have… but I don’t think I can let you just leave to another city without telling you how much I want you.” She pulls you in…and kisses you.

Actors: Meana Wolf